Archos media player features a fair storage capacity (30GB), enough to stock up to 120 hours of video or approximately 25 films in DVD quality. The resolution (720 X 526 pixels) is perfect for photo or video viewing. Playable video files formats include MPEG4, WMV, AAC/H.264, MP4, Quick Time, MPEG2 and VOB. Archos 604 also presents some functions that make it more comfortable for video content. These are slow motion, video editing and adjustable screen size. The display is not as shiny as of its predecessor because of the touch screen-stratum, intended for shock protection and glare purposes. The touch screen-layer perceptibly reduces the quality of the picture. The colors are a bit dim and less bright.
Speaking of dimensions 604 Wi-Fi is a bit bigger and weights more than its twin brother Archos 604: 5.2x3.1x0.7 inches and 10.23 ounces. The difference in measurements is due only to the presence of the Wi-Fi antenna.
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